dmihalik avatar

Alt-Tab List

Here's the application I mentioned in my previous post. I'm pretty happy with it's current state so I'm gonna put a copy up for others to try if they are interested. Right now I think it's a pretty good replacement for Alt-Tab, and I've got some ideas for future expansion.

It's got two "modes" of operation:

Standard - If you hold down alt and keep hitting tab it works just like the Windows Alt-Tab (and it also supports Alt-Shift-Tab).

Enhanced (or some other cool name) - If you just hit alt-tab once the window stays up and lets you select with the arrow keys or mouse. This gives you a chance to take a bit longer to decide where you are going without being forced to hold down Alt. Also, you can hit "x" to close any application while in this mode.

That's about it. Read the Readme file to figure out how to "install" it.