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Xbox 360 shopping

Since it's less than a month till Oblivion is available (still March 21th), Jessie and I decided it's about time to start looking for a 360. I'm hoping that by waiting a while after launch I avoid some of the problems I had with the Xbox I got at launch time.

I'd like to buy my 360 from Best Buy since I have their Reward Zone program (or somewhere online without tax). I could call the store every day to see if they get any in, but I'm lazy. So, I downloaded and setup the BestBuy Xbox 360 Inventory Checker that will hopefully email me and send me a text message when one is available. So far it looks pretty cool. To hedge my bets I've also been monitoring the Xbox 360 Tracker. Hopefully one of those methods will find us a 360 in the next 20 days.