dmihalik avatar

Moved Jessie to Typo

We spent a while this weekend moving Jessie's blog from dasBlog to Typo on Textdrive. This gets the last thing off the server in our pantry (formerly the server in the bathroom). She's still messing with the tweaking the theme but it's looking pretty good.

For those interested in redirecting using the Typo redirects table should check out this diff to make sure the redirects are working correctly. I went a little further and added a default page rather than the standard "Page not found" text. Here's what I added to Jessie's redirect controller.

from = params[:from].join("/") if params[:from].kind_of?(Array) r = Redirect.find_by_from_path(from) r = Redirect.find_by_from_path("*") if !r

And then I added one of her standard pages for the * (default) redirect.